
Food You Can Eat While On A Keto Diet

Ketogenic diet has taken over the diet industry for the past decade. Most celebrities have been endorsing it and seeing the results that they have achieved encourages others to follow it too. This high-fat, low-carb diet has gained a strong following lately. So if you too are curious whether or not the ketogenic diet is right for you, then read on.

Dairy and  Eggs

Cheese is a constant ingredient in most keto recipes. Simply because it’s high in fat and does not contain carbohydrates. Cheese is rich in calcium and it is also a great source of protein. And if you are feeling hungry, eat eggs. This is one way to load your body with the minerals and antioxidants that it needs. Also, it makes you feel fuller for longer before your next meal.

Meat and Poultry

All kinds of meat and poultry are used in whatever keto diet plans are available out there. Simply because they have zero carbohydrates which are perfect for a keto diet. The protein in meat can help one feel full during the day. This way, you have enough energy to get you through your physical workouts even if you have not filled up your body with carbohydrates.


If you love seafood, then the keto diet is perfect for you. Any type of seafood is good for keto diet plans because most fish are free of carbohydrates. Salmon, sardines, tuna, and other fatty fish don’t have any carbohydrates. Other fatty fish that you can find at your seafood counter will also do. Also, seafood is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are key to reducing the risks of illnesses.

Low-Carb Vegetables

One of the misconceptions about the keto diet is that it includes all the vegetables. Sadly, not all vegetables can be included in the keto diet. For example, you can’t just have potatoes and whole wheat. Instead, you can use substitutes for other vegetables. Keto-approved vegetables include bell peppers, green beans, zucchini, and leafy spinach.

And are carrots keto? Yes, carrots can be eaten if you are on keto. However, it may be difficult to include them regularly in your meals or in large quantities. Carrots contain a fair amount of carbs. This means that you can have carrots but in minimum amounts only. Instead, you can go for less starchy alternatives like celery, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Keto-Approved Beverages

Of course, aside from food, you might also be curious about what drinks you can have while on keto. What’s always included in a keto diet is black coffe or tea. They contain zero sugar and no carbohydrates too. Experts suggest to choose tea because of its benefits for weight loss over time.

Losing weight is just one of the many benefits that you can achieve with a ketogenic diet. The most important in this diet to make it effective is that you know what foods you can eat and whether or not they are safe to be eaten regularly. So if you are sold into trying keto, then make sure that you have the foods listed available in your kitchen.